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Budgeting - Interactive Worksheets Bundle

  • Price per Classroom
    $10 00
  • Duration 2 Hours
  • Grade 8-12

Products in this Bundle (14)

1.  Budgeting - Classify Expenses

Students will sharpen their budgeting and categorization skills by sorting given expenses into predefined budget categories through a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.

2.  Budgeting for Discretionary & Non-Discretionary Expenses

Students will design a monthly budget by allocating the given salary for different discretionary expenses but still trying to save at least 10% of their salary for the future.

3.  Categorizing Expenses

In this drag-and-drop worksheet, students will classify the given set of expenses in to two categories - Discretionary and Non-Discretionary.

4.  Analyzing John's Budget

Students will read and understand the budget of a hypothetical person, Mr. John, categorize each expense into different categories, analyze the expense chart and answer some review questions.

5.  Zero-Based Budgeting

This Zero-Based Budgeting worksheet helps students allocate a $4,500 monthly income to categories like Rent, Groceries, Utilities, Transportation, Savings, and Entertainment. Fixed expenses are marked, and students adjust the remaining categories using sliders, aiming for a zero remaining balance.

6.  Americans Average Monthly Expenses

Students will read a graph showing the average monthly expenses of Americans and answer the review questions. Students will also adjust the budget to cover an unforeseen incident.

7.  Average Rent in Different States of USA

In this worksheet, students analyze a data table showing Fair Market Rent for various room sizes in different states and answer related questions. They will then prioritize factors influencing their choice of housing, such as amenities, safety, cost of living, and more.

8.  Modes of Transport & Cost of Owning a Car

In this worksheet, students analyze a pie chart of American transport modes and choose a preferred car from a list. They’ll see loan details with a 20% down payment and 5-year loan at 8% interest. Students select daily commute miles to calculate monthly loan, insurance, maintenance, and fuel costs, then answer related questions.

9.  Average Food Expenses in USA

In this worksheet, students analyze the average annual food expenses of Americans and answer related questions. They also prioritize cost-cutting on food expenses by dragging and dropping items in order of priority, with the first item being the one they would reduce costs on first.

10.  USDA Food Calculator

In this worksheet, students use USDA Food Plans data to budget for food expenses. They analyze and interpret data for various household scenarios to determine monthly food budgets based on age and household size, practicing mathematical skills through detailed calculations.

11.  CPI & Inflation Calculator

In this worksheet, students use an inflation calculator with CPI data to understand money's value erosion over time. They fill in a table with columns for the Initial Year, Amount, Current Year, New Value of Money. The activity enhances their understanding of inflation's impact on purchasing power.

12.  Analyzing Inflation Data

Students will analyze the line graph showing the percentage change in prices of ten products from 1997 to 2022 and then answer some review questions.

13.  Comparison Shopping

Students will understand the importance of comparison shopping and then will find three different websites from where they can purchase a laptop, smartphone, and headset of the model they like. They will compare each website in terms of price, star rating, and warranty offered.

14.  Create Your Semester Budget: Digital Worksheet

This is a digital budgeting worksheet that students can use to set their short and long-term goals, list incomes and expenses, categorize each expense, and reserve money to achieve goals.


This comprehensive bundle of 14 budgeting worksheets is designed to enhance high school students' financial literacy and budgeting skills. The worksheets cover a wide range of topics, including zero-based budgeting, understanding inflation, managing food expenses, analyzing housing rent, and calculating transport costs. Each worksheet provides engaging and practical activities, such as analyzing data tables, interpreting charts, prioritizing expenses, and making informed financial decisions. Students will learn to allocate income, understand the impact of inflation, budget for various household scenarios, and prioritize factors influencing housing choices. This bundle is an excellent resource for teaching essential financial skills in a hands-on, interactive way.

  • Price per Classroom
    $10 00
  • Duration 2 Hours
  • Grade 8-12