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Risk-Reward Analysis in Investment

(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) ( 4.6, 15 students)
  • Price per Classroom$2.00
  • Grade Levels 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Topics Saving, Investment
  • Duration 20 Minutes
  • Auto Scored? Yes
  • Teacher Evaluation Needed? No

Activity Description

In this interactive worksheet activity, students will learn to evaluate and compare the potential returns and risks associated with various investment options over a 30-year horizon. Through data recording, analysis, and critical thinking, students will gain invaluable insights into the world of financial decision-making.

The investment schemes covered are:

  1. Savings Account
  2. Certificate of Deposit
  3. Stock Market Investment
  4. Cryptocurrency Investment
  5. Venture Capital Investment

each with its own risk and returns. Students will find out that high-risk schemes can give a very high return over a 30-year period but they have a high chance of losing the entire investment money.

This worksheet is a classroom-ready interactive and dynamic worksheet that just needs a few clicks to assign to your classroom. The worksheet is auto-scored, teachers just need to open the real-time console and monitor the student progress.

Learning Objective

In this interactive worksheet activity, students will be presented with five savings/investment schemes, each with varying levels of interest rate and risk. By answering the questions given, students will understand that higher interest earned has an associated higher risk.

Teacher Tips

Included with the activity, you can view the tips to clarify student's doubts or to evaluate answers (for a teacher scored worksheet).
  • Price per Classroom$2.00
  • Grade Levels 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Topics Saving, Investment
  • Duration 20 Minutes
  • Auto Scored? Yes
  • Teacher Evaluation Needed? No

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