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Comparison Shopping

New Activity (No Ratings Yet)
  • Price per Classroom$3.00
  • Grade Levels 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Topics Budgeting
  • Duration 30 Minutes
  • Auto Scored? Yes
  • Teacher Evaluation Needed? No

Activity Description

In this practical worksheet activity, students will embark on a journey into the world of comparison shopping, a crucial skill in today's consumer-driven society. Students will identify and select three websites for each product category (laptops, smartphones, and headsets) from which they can potentially make a purchase. Armed with research, students will compare these websites based on key criteria, including product price, star ratings, and warranty periods. They will then decide from which website to make their purchase.

Students will

  1. Develop research skills as students search for and assess websites offering the desired products, honing their ability to gather information effectively.
  2. Acquire the ability to compare and contrast product options across different websites, taking into account price, ratings, and warranty terms. This cultivates critical thinking and decision-making skills.
  3. Gain an understanding of the significance of budgeting when making purchasing decisions. Students will learn to align their choices with their budget constraints.

**The worksheet activity is not automatically scored.

Learning Objective

The primary goal of this activity is to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to make informed purchasing decisions. They will learn how to compare product prices, ratings, and warranty periods across multiple websites to make the best choice based on their budget and preferences.

Teacher Tips

Included with the activity, you can view the tips to clarify student's doubts or to evaluate answers (for a teacher scored worksheet).
  • Price per Classroom$3.00
  • Grade Levels 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Topics Budgeting
  • Duration 30 Minutes
  • Auto Scored? Yes
  • Teacher Evaluation Needed? No