In this insightful worksheet, students will explore the concept of insurance pooling by analyzing data from a fictitious auto insurance company called Insure-X. Through various calculations and data analysis, students will understand how insurance companies collect premiums, manage claims, and make profits.
Students will gain a solid understanding of how insurance pooling helps spread risk among many customers.
This worksheet is a classroom-ready interactive and dynamic worksheet that just needs a few clicks to assign to your classroom. The worksheet is auto-scored, teachers just need to open the real-time console and monitor the student progress.
Students will be better equipped to comprehend how insurance companies operate, make informed financial decisions related to insurance coverage, and recognize the factors that contribute to an insurance company's profitability.
National Standards in Personal Financial Education
Students will know that Insurance fraud is a crime that encompasses illegal actions by the buyer (e .g ., falsified claims) or seller (e .g ., representing non-existent companies) of an insurance contract .. Students will use this knowledge to 12-10a . Provide examples of insurance fraud . 12-10b . Investigate the legal consequence for individuals who are convicted of insurance fraud .