The learning objective of this activity is to help high school students understand the difference between discretionary and non-discretionary expenses and develop budgeting skills. By categorizing expenses and recognizing which ones are essential (non-discretionary) and which ones are optional (discretionary), students can learn how to prioritize their spending, make informed financial decisions, and create a realistic budget based on their needs and income.
The learning objective of this activity is to help high school students understand the difference between discretionary and non-discretionary expenses and develop budgeting skills. By categorizing expenses and recognizing which ones are essential (non-discretionary) and which ones are optional (discretionary), students can learn how to prioritize their spending, make informed financial decisions, and create a realistic budget based on their needs and income.
National Standards in Personal Financial Education
Students will know that A budget helps people achieve their financial goals by allocating income to necessary and desired spending, saving, and philanthropy .. Students will use this knowledge to 12-1a . Identify their short-term and long-term financial goals . 12-1b . Develop a budget to allocate current income to necessary and desired spending, including estimates for both fixed and variable expenses . 12-1c . Explain methods for adjusting a budget for unexpected expenses or emergencies . 12-1d . Evaluate the advantages of using budgeting tools, such as spreadsheets or apps .