This activity will enable students to grasp the critical role insurance plays in mitigating financial risks associated with unforeseen events.
During this exercise, students will categorize various unforeseen events that have the potential to impact their lives, specifically related to their house, car, health, and travel. These events could encompass accidents, natural disasters, medical emergencies, and travel disruptions, among others.
Students will also estimate typical costs associated with these events. This will provide them with a clear understanding of the potential financial burden that these unforeseen events could impose.
This is a quick start worksheet activity before getting introduced to the world of insurance. At the end of this activity, students will be able to understand that there are several risks in life, and each risk is associated with a cost.
National Standards in Personal Financial Education
Students will know that Insurance fraud is a crime that encompasses illegal actions by the buyer (e .g ., falsified claims) or seller (e .g ., representing non-existent companies) of an insurance contract .. Students will use this knowledge to 12-10a . Provide examples of insurance fraud . 12-10b . Investigate the legal consequence for individuals who are convicted of insurance fraud .