In this engaging worksheet, students will analyze the average hospital expenses for various treatments and the average cost of hospital stays in different states. They will then simulate health events over five years in the life of Mr. John, who has a health insurance. This activity helps students understand the financial benefits of health insurance by comparing the costs incurred with and without insurance.
This worksheet is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of health insurance, enhancing their financial literacy and preparing them for real-world financial planning.
By completing this worksheet, students will be able to analyze hospital expenses in the USA, gaining a deeper understanding of the significance of health insurance in managing healthcare costs.
National Standards in Personal Financial Education
Students will know that Insurance fraud is a crime that encompasses illegal actions by the buyer (e .g ., falsified claims) or seller (e .g ., representing non-existent companies) of an insurance contract .. Students will use this knowledge to 12-10a . Provide examples of insurance fraud . 12-10b . Investigate the legal consequence for individuals who are convicted of insurance fraud .