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Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

  • Price per Classroom
    $2 00
  • Duration 30 Minutes
  • Activities 20
  • Grade 8-12

Lab Description

Objective: To help students understand the different levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and how different factors can impact our ability to fulfill these needs.

Students will work individually to categorize different needs into the appropriate levels of Maslow's Hierarchy. They will then learn how money and time can impact our ability to fulfill these needs. This activity encourages critical thinking and discussion about how we can work towards fulfilling our needs at different levels of the hierarchy, even with limited resources.

The activity includes a simulated set of needs, students will use slider controls to adjust the values of each need when they are given limited money ($40) and limited time (16 hours). Students will be scored based on how much of the needs they fulfilled with the limited resources they are given.

Who this course is for

The target grade level for this activity can vary depending on the curriculum and academic level of the students, but it would generally be suitable for middle school or high school students, specifically those in grades 8-12.

Activities (98 Minutes)

Students will understand that most phenomena they experience can be represented as a Computational Model and that they can use these models to greatly increase their understanding of the related concepts.

Sub Activities
  1. Physiologic Needs
  2. Physiological Needs
  3. Safety Needs
  4. Safety Needs
  5. Love and Belonging Needs
  6. Love and Belonging Needs
  7. Esteem Needs
  8. Esteem Needs
  9. Self-Actualization Needs
  10. Actualization Needs

Students are challenged to synthesize their learning by effectively allocating both time and money to meet various needs, with the ultimate goal of achieving a score above 90%. The charts serve as helpful guides in fine-tuning parameters for successful optimization.

Completion (3 Minutes)

  • Price per Classroom
    $2 00
  • Duration 30 Minutes
  • Activities 20
  • Grade 8-12